
Breast Cancer

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer ranks first among the cancer types seen in women. One out of every 8 women has a lifetime risk of developing cancer. Breast cancer is cancer that develops from cells in the breast tissue.

What Are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer? 

  • A palpable mass in the breast is the first sign of breast cancer. Any subsequent deformation of the breast, abnormal breast growth, skin retraction, collapse, nipple pulling, skin redness, thickening and orange peel, nipple discharge, nipple scaling, sweating, armpit swelling and sometimes pain may ocur can be a sign of cancer. 80% of palpable masses are benign masses.

How is Breast Cancer Diagnosed?

  • Early detection of breast cancer is only possible with screening examinations. We recommend that every woman in the average risk group should be screened for breast cancer once a year, starting from the age of 40, without any complaints. Any woman at any age who notices a palpable breast lump or one of the above-mentioned symptoms should go to the doctor immediately. After the examination in the clinic, breasts are evaluated with mammography, breast ultrasound and, if necessary, breast MR film according to age. If there is a suspicious mass, calcification or change, a definitive diagnosis of breast cancer is made with a needle biopsy to be performed on this area. Tissue diagnosis, that is, biopsy, is essential to be able to say breast cancer. Contrary to popular belief, biopsy does not cause the cancer to spread or grow.

What Are the Stages of Breast Cancer?

Although breast cancer is a very common and rapidly progressing cancer, it can be treated effectively and very successful when diagnosed at an early stage. In the first stage of cancer, the diameter of the tumor tissue in the breast is less than 2 centimeters and there is no lymph node enlargement in the armpit area. In this period, which is called stage 1, the survival rate after 5 years is 98% in people who are diagnosed and treated. The period when the mass is larger than 2 centimeters in diameter is called stage 2, and enlargement of the lymph nodes may or may not be seen at this stage. In the period defined as stage 3, the diameter of the tumor tissue has exceeded 5 centimeters, and lymph enlargement in the armpit has become evident. In breast cancer patients diagnosed at this stage, the survival rate is reduced by half in the 5-year period after treatment, and success is achieved at a rate of 50.6%.

Since early diagnosis is critical in the fight against breast cancer, it is extremely important to have information about cancer stages, to detect the mass at the earliest stage by performing regular breast self-examination, to consult a physician at the right time and to use advanced imaging techniques such as mammography.

How Is Breast Cancer Treated?

Breast cancer therapy is planned individually, based on several factors that shed light on the cancer. Breast cancer consists of a lot of subgroups, each with its own set of treatment alternatives. Because the sort of cancer is the same, different treatment options can be used. The treatment plan is planned based on the nature of the tumor, the stage of disorder, the person’s overall health, and their expectations.

It should be emphasized that; When breast cancer is treated in cancer centers with specialist physicians, the success rate of treatment is higher than other methods.