
What is the Hollywood Smile?

Hollywood smile is the process of covering one’s own teeth with porcelain veneer in order to have a more aesthetic and beautiful appearance. Inspired by Hollywood celebrities, this type of treatment is based on dental aesthetics.

The number of people who apply to the porcelain tooth coating method is increasing exponentially day by day as a result of concerns such as aesthetic appeal, removal of dental defects, and respect in front of the society. Normally, our tooth color is the color of bone, but nowadays, because the white tooth has become a symbol of prestige, it has become fashionable to lighten this bone color or have a coating on it.

The golden ratio is indispensable when talking about aesthetics. The golden ratio is a numerical ratio that gives the most ideal dimensions in terms of harmony observed between parts of a whole. We also use this ratio in Hollywood smile design. In the measurements to be made on the pictures taken from you, the width and length ratios of the teeth are prepared according to a certain template. The ratio of the anterior teeth to the adjacent teeth, the ratio of the length of these teeth to the width, and the ratio of all teeth to your face are determined by the golden ratio.

 What are the main purposes of the Hollywood smile?

1-To provide a symmetrical smile.

2-To obtain an aesthetically beautiful appearance.

3-Making you truly feel like a star with a Hollywood smile.

4-To eliminate the insecurity caused by bad-looking tooth structure.

5-Creating an ideal smile for an individual’s face.

 What should be taken into account while designing?

While planning a Hollywood smile, it is of great importance to listen to the expectations of the person and get to know the person first in aesthetic evaluation. Afterwards, it is extremely important for the success of the treatment to consider the teeth, the gums surrounding the teeth, the lip and the surrounding face as a whole.

 What materials are used?

Hollywood smile can be achieved with laminates, glass ceramic full crowns, zirconium-based porcelain, metal-supported prostheses and implant applications. However, laminae, full ceramic crowns and zirconia are often used.


What problems does Hollywood smile solve?

– Deformities in teeth

– Crowding in the teeth

– Teeth whitening

– Correction of gingival level

– Maintaining gingival health

– Asymmetrical smile

– Correction of fractures and cracks on the tooth surface

– Missing teeth

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